The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) declared a waiver of all patient rights to care, to question care, to refuse care as well as a suspension of family rights to advocate for the patient, with full immunity for nurses and doctors in U.S. hospitals. I have spoken with and interviewed countless patients who survived these killing fields as well as their family and survivors of those who did not make it, on The Dr. Jane Ruby Show ( ) so I understand the truth about our nation’s hospitals that are incentivized by the federal/DOD mass genocide program.
Some people erroneously tired to refute this by saying that the waiver was old and had run out but this is not true. Revisions still contain the waivers on patient rights for federally funded hospitals which means that the CDC death protocol of universal Covid 19 fake PCR testing remains in place for those entering hospitals through the emergency room or admissions.
In a recent tweet, almost one million people have seen my warning on Twitter already. That’s almost a million people warned and forearmed. Never agree to allowing your loved ones to go into. hospitals without an advocate and begin efforts to create parallel health care systems in. your local areas. BIG HEALTHCARE is trying to kill you…and they are getting away with it in U.S. hospitals!