
Thank you all for joining, I may from time to time remove a comment when I know that somebody has an alternative agenda and they're just trying to cause disruption, they really are not doing a due diligence review in a balanced way. I've been dealing with this for three years so I can spot them immediately. Do not come here in the area grievances but legitimate debate on the issues or what I post is always welcome

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Thank you Dr. Ruby for reaffirming what so many have also been discovering, and for being on Substack! I like looking at Sunlight as a way to build our skin's melanin, which can sequester heavy metals like lanthanum (found in the shot):


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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Dr Jane Ruby

Thank you for providing these media benchmarks regarding your work. This is an excellent post you have created, and an excellent introduction to your work for those who haven't followed you these past couple years. Therefor it will make a good post to share when we want to introduce others to your intrepid findings.

The depopulation agenda has not abated, as seen by the perpetrators' continued announcements of

o renewed masking,

o required jabs at educational institutions,

o "vaccine I.D.s" on the way,

o C19 shots added to the childhood vaccine regimen,

o the continued hospital protocol using deadly REMDESIVIR, and even

o the return of "necessary" lockdowns.

Worse still is the wholesale dismissal of the mRNA failure to be safe and effective; instead of cleaning up their act, they are bringing out even more mRNA drugs -- each inadequately tested and essentially experimental -- without ever rigorously assessing the failure of the C19 jabs!

Add all that to the new Bureaucratic Tyranny of branding anything that goes against their "public health" narrative by the term 'domestic terrorism", and clearly, they have doubled down and intend to deploy these technoweapons as long as they can. ALL of your findings are still eminently important as we work to expose the machinery of their crimes against humanity.

These monsters must be exposed and stopped.

Bless you and your amazing work.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Dr Jane Ruby

Thank you for your eclectic skills exercised in our behalf!!! Eclectic not electric is the word you need in your third paragraph.

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Spell check is so annoying. 😂

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Auto correct is frequently incorrect!

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Dr John Campbell

Very interesting summarised interview with a cancer specialist.


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Painful to be awake in a crowd of zombies

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You are a spiritual woman, and you know what this is. There’s always a percentage of sentient beings that listen to the liar in charge of the gang. It’s just the nature of things on this planet unredeemed.

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The brazen new ad campaign for the new shots let us know that this will be a forever thing. It’s like big tobacco they never stopped and they created a world full of smokers. Now big Pharma is going to create a world full of jabbers. It’s sad but that’s the way humanity is there’s always people who enjoy self-destructing in a group setting.

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deletedOct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023
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You apparently haven't looked at the totality of my work. And I don't need a lecture on the bastardization of the Jewish religion. I am about America first, if my own country is burning down, that is my first and only priority. Never ever confabulate me with Kennedy or Malone

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deletedOct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023
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She is decieved herself and cannot SEE and so glad the prideful 🚩like " dr Jane was right about EVERyThIng" yeah ok..

And the wanting attention for this n that..

To her latest biggest mess up ( look at her post 2 days ago) hugging Sean stone and saying she" fell in love with his LIght and Spirit" 🚩🚨🆘haaaa

Haaaa haaaa

What the HELL could supposed Christian she claims to be not discern INSTaNTLY from that demonic channeler new ager who also claims to be a Christian Muslim Jew haaaaaa🤌🙃🤥

I nicely warned her n followers he is to be distanced from not embraced no matter how much Covid truth he may have

It's another spirit it's a false light

Yet doc says she is right about everything


Deceived beyond belief u are doc

And so she BLOCkeD me from Twitter


Like a crybaby cuz she can't handle the truth

Ya know the pill that everyone wants but she can't seem to swallow

Pride goes before a fall Jane

Btw I got no bones to pick

I don't have any platform

I don't follow anyone and I erase anyone who follows me cuz I don't post squat , this gen xer doesn't care about social media I just have to read and learn and warn the body of Christ mostly of heresies entering the church and now warn Christians not to mingle with error like dr Jane is in bed with

Cuz truth and error always equals error

So dr Jane is Wr.. wr.. wro.. WRONG 150% on her discerning Sean stone

A bonafide new ager

You may not be a Christian so I dot. Need yr views

I'm only here to say she cannot claim to be a Christian and then boat and live on a bonafide demon masquerading as angel of light

Squat discernment and leading how many saints to follow that fruitcake who hugs trees and dabbles in all religions to appease all

The new age has infiltrated many churches

So heartbreaking to see dr Jane help join Christian's and new age

So she blocked u n me and soo many others I'm hearing now as I ask simple questions to doc Stella and janes other friends

What the hell u doing promoting dr Jane when she promotes demons🤌

And asking they pray for her deep deception and for her eyes to open to Truth no matter how hard it is to swallow

She says israe is a Psop

Haaaa dumb beyond belief

Doc Jane I knew I weren't a strong Christian by saying homosexuality was fine we are not to judge


To misquoting bible verses taken outta context

To saying yesterday that Christians say the bible the bible the bible and oatmeal and wow u mocking saints for standing n pointing to bible

U fat hypocrite!

That's what we are to do scema di guerra

Keep eyes boy in bible not dumb wannabe truther a who don't even know Gods truth

You want us to focus on usa or we countey

That isn't the apple of Gods eye

Sorry eh

U cannot save USA nor I Canada etc

Bible prophecy is happening no matter what I or anyone say

It's all going forward as prophesied

You are so attacked to USA like an IDoL

And think Israel and neta is having this war cuz of 😂Covid and Pfizer 🤣😅ya sure! Ya can't be that old and that out to lunch Jane!

Bible says with age comes wisdom

And yet u so clueless and lack discernment

Folks keep eyes on Israel n Middle East that's where all the action will happen

God said so

But Jane wants everyone distracted with her god USA

Ok good luck it's all going down and u should've wasted time reading Bible and knowing it inside n out

And u should if u truly are saved renounce Sean stone and not only take down that post alone but u need to warn n apologize to fans that u were WR.. Wro..wrong and judged poorly sayin u love his ( false)light and ( another) spirit

And warn him too he will end up in hell if he continues down that path

Buttt I know u won't cuz ya too deceived n scared to judge when bible says we should love them enough to warn

Naaa doc only cares bout her name n fame

Repent for being decieved and not discerning rightly new age false light n demonic spirit

And warn him n others to fleee it

Unless fo course u are part of the demons masquerading as angels of light

Bringing the new age into Christianity

Sorry one word religion ain't kosher

See if u had a godly Christian man he would know all this and correct you

Curious why haven't u married, you ain't ugly nor stupid

Find a solid church and attend cuZ I doubt u are in one

Surround AWD with discerning Christians who can rightly divide the word cuz u can't

Cuz u don't know yr bible


Learn from these sites

“A Jewish Christian Muslim”? - Reasons to Believe


Tho will help u understand al happening in Middle East and Gods plan for it all unfolding as prophesied

But seems u only care bout USA the great:) and Covid Covid Covid

When u should be about saving babies to seniors and tel them about the more weightier salvation their spiritual lives

Covid can only kill the body

Being clueless on spiritual matters will cost folk eternity!

Heaven or hell forever and ever and ever n ev...

Even after Covid virus is long gone eternity will go on

So why not want to warn the world that their very soul is at stake

Take to them about JEsus the ONLy way to salvation

" There is a way that seems right to MAN, but in the END only leads to deatruction( hell)

Best be sure u are saved and following Jesus

Our only mission from God is to tel the world of Jesus

Not Covid


Who came and died for our sins

And is the ONlY way to God the Father

My question si why u not doing that

Stella is n stew does too

U just mention little here n there of God to please the many Christians that follow u

But I see thru u and really always did

U ain't a strong Christian janey

Best get yr soul in too shape

No filter u wear round yr neck🙃

No apeel u panick about and all the prepping u think will keep I safe

Will save u

That's how I know u still earthly minded

Look up n study Bible

And go help save the world from eternal destruction

The devil loves u hangin with his camp

Yet bible says to have NOTHINg to do with Darlene as for what has true light , God light in common with devils darkness

The devil masquerades as angel of light

Sean stone is just that

Quit being sucked in by pretty boys or pretty words

Wake up Jane!

Repent n follow Jesus and tell the world of Jesus

You were made for such a time as this to use yr big platform to tel of Jesus

Or naaa, usa and Covid more important?🤌


Here is too exnewager astologer now Christian warn of the false light u embraced and couldn't see thru

Frequencies and all that u fret over..

U are bound by worlds fears

Come up higher to true feeedom and peace in Christ

And pray for wisdom n discernment that u still lack in yr later years that my kids can tell Sean was not to mess with

Yet there u are in open display showing world just how decieved u are embracing devil wrapped up in pretty body

Dang and this is wonderful example how folks will think the suave charismatic Antichrist is the one that will save the world


Now go read n learn n repent n tel world u were wrong n renounce the darkenss u in bed with

God will not be mocked

And He is jealous when His kids get lied to from folk who claim to be Christians

You are a Christ follower only yea?

Then go do the right thing Jane and quit blocking folk who warn u of your ERRORS

Seems ya don't know everything not right about everything eh

But we already knew that

Seems u were in the dark about that too


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